
Q: When the Chased Away event is triggered by landing on a players focus card, can it be triggered again on the same turn if the suspect pawn ends its movement at an another player’s focus card?

A: No. The Chased Away event may only happen once per turn. If the suspect pawn ends its movement at a second player’s focus card, it will carry out the event first but then stay in place.

Q: If the suspect pawn ends its movement at at focus card, but also sounds an alarm, do we need to move the suspect pawn again and carry out another event?

A: No. All events are ignored if the suspect pawn sounds an alarm. Remember to move the sounded alarm token to card 27A.

Questions regarding card 27B
Q: Does the Carried Away event stay out for the rest of the campaign?

A: Yes. If you have at least one case remaining in your campaign after completing this case, the Carried Away event will stay out for all cases for the remainder of your campaign and will be carried out when the suspect pawn ends its movement at a player’s focus card.

Q: How does the Carried Away event interact with these other modules?

Select:Card 23ACard 43ACard 94ACard 103ACard 122A
To see a question about this event interacts with a specific module, click on the tab above with the card number of the card you first unlocked in the module.

Q: The Stacking Scoops module has no center row. Which card is the “leftmost card in the center row” for the Carried Away event?

A: Since this module has no center row, there is no leftmost card in the center row. The Carried Away has no effect.

Q: This Forensic Analysis (School) module has multiple center rows. Which card is the “leftmost card in the center row” for the Carried Away event?

A: It should be the bottom leftmost card in the center grid.

Q: This Night At The Museum module has multiple center rows. Which card is the “leftmost card in the center row” for the Carried Away event?

A: It should be the bottom leftmost card in the center grid.

Q: The Puzzle Cubes module has multiple center rows. Which card is the “leftmost card in the center row” for the Carried Away event?

A: It should be the bottom leftmost card in the center grid.

Q: The Mixed-Up Orders module has no center row. Which card is the “leftmost card in the center row” for the Carried Away event?

A: Since this module has no center row, there is no leftmost card in the center row. The Carried Away has no effect. (“The Diner is much too crowded for the Dog to interfere unnoticed.”)