
Q: What should the table look like when this case is set up properly?

Q: We are playing with X number of players…where should we put our focus tokens?

A: For 2 players, there should be 5 clue cards between each focus token, left and right.
For 3 players, there should be 3 clue cards between each focus token, left and right.
For 4 players, there should be 2 clue cards between each focus token, left and right.

Q: Can I shift focus if I have other players’ focus tokens to my immediate left and right?

A: No. Those players have effectively trapped your focus token. They will have to shift their focus tokens on their turn before you have an opportunity to shift yours again.

Q: Can I confirm a card further around the circle, even if the distance crosses over another player’s focus token?

A: Yes. Focus token positions do not inhibit the Confirm action.

Q: What is the maximum cost in ideas to confirm a card within the circle?

A: With 12 cards in the circle, the furthest any given card can be from your focus token is 6 cards, so the range of idea cost for confirming is from 0 to 6.

Q: Can I tell the other players what I saw on the back of the movement card or incoming clue cards that I peeked at with the Overhear bonus?

A: You may share what you have learned, but only when you are no longer subject to Radio Silence (i.e. when you move your focus token away from the suspect pawn or when the suspect pawn moves out of your hand).