Game Store

Q: What should the table look like when this case is set up properly?

A: Player hands, incoming clues, movement deck and all other standard setup elements are the same. The only thing that changes is that, to begin the case, you will draw and arrange 9 clue cards in a 3 by 3 grid. The result will look something like this:


Q: What does the Rotate Cube action look like in practice?

A: Similar to the Investigate action, you flip clue cards in the puzzle cube to their opposite side, but you must flip all 3 cards in a row or column.

Q: What does the Rotate Hand action look like in practice?

A: Similar to the Scout action, you pay ideas (1) to discard your entire hand and refill from the incoming clues, right to left.

Q: What does the Confirm action look like in practice?

A: Exchange a clue card from your hand with 1 in the puzzle cube.

Q: What does a solved aspect look like?

A: An aspect is solved once all 9 clue cards in the grid are the same aspect type, and will look something like this:

The solution in this instance is Game Piece, the card in the center of the grid, corresponding to the [triangle] on the most recent movement card..

Q: How do we set up a new puzzle cube?

A: After you’ve discarded the 8 unused cards from the previous puzzle cube, shuffle all the discarded clue cards back into the incoming clues deck, then draw the top 9 cards to form another 3 by 3 grid, as demonstrated below.

Q: How do I track the number of times I’ve used teamwork bonus activities to claim the Collaborative Skill?

A: Use any available campaign tokens to track when you’ve used a teamwork bonus activity, such as Tracker Tokens or Completion Tokens.